Two of our students Steven Vu and James Patteson performed this weekend with the East Carolina Chamber Singers as part of ECU's Men's Choir Festival. Way to go! #TogetherWeSucceed #PerformingArts
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
ECU Male Chorus Festival
Our RRHS JROTC had the honor of participating in the United States Coast Guard’s 54th Annual Change of Watch program today at the Hilton Garden Inn. Thanks for always representing us well. #TogetherWeSucceed #JacketProud
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
jrotc colors
RRHS Winter Percussion took first place honors today at the Rolesville High Winter Jam. Congratulations! #jacketproud
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
winter percussion
Jacket Sports Update: Due to an issue with officials, the basketball games scheduled for today 2/1/22 at Rocky Mount have been postponed. The makeup date will be Tuesday, February 15. #JacketSports
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Jacket Sports Update: Due to not knowing the exact time that the possible inclement weather will move in on Friday night/Saturday morning], we are going to change the schedule for Friday night's basketball games with Northern Nash. To ensure safe travels home for Northern Nash and our fans we will not play the JV Boys game. The Girls Varsity game will move up to a start time of 5pm with the Varsity Boys game to follow at 6:30pm. Thanks for your understanding in this matter.
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Join us in congratulating RRHS educator Susan Temple on receiving her National Board Certification. National Board Certification is the most respected professional certification available in education. RRGSD is proud to have 25% of our teachers Board Certified with more than 80 of them with master's degrees or higher. #NationalBoard #TogetherWeSucceed #JacketProud
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Board Certified Susan Temple
RRHS Sports update: 1The wrestling match scheduled for tonight at Southern Nash has been canceled. As of right now there is no makeup date. The wrestling conference tournament scheduled for Saturday 1/22 at Southern Nash has been moved to Wednesday 1/26. Weigh Ins will be at 3pm with wrestling starting at 4pm. Tickets will be available on GoFan starting Tuesday 1/25. The HOME women's basketball game with Bunn has been rescheduled for Thursday 2/3. Game time is set for 6pm. #JacketSports
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS Sports Update 1/19/22: The wrestling match at Franklinton scheduled for today has been postponed. We are tentatively scheduled to make it up tomorrow at Southern Nash. This will be dependent on the weather. Matches will start at 5pm if we can get them in. The basketball games at Home vs. Franklinton scheduled for Friday have been postponed. The make up date for these games is set for Wednesday 2/9. #JacketSports
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Sports Update Friday, Jan 14, 2022: Due to an issue outside of RRHS, the schedule for tonight's home basketball games with Bunn has been modified. We will start the JV Boys game at 5:30pm with the Varsity Boys game to follow at approximately 7pm. There will be no Varsity Girls game tonight. We will make that game up at a later to be announced date. Please spread the word to all who may be attending. #JacketSports
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Congratulations to the Roanoke Rapids Wrestling Team who placed fourth in the Wynn-Butler Tournament today at North Pitt. Out of seven wrestlers, RRHS placed four in the finals. Gabriel Roberts was the 220 lb. Champion and Arvin Stokley was the 285 lb. Champion. Bradley Moseley placed second at 126 lbs and Wallace Bowser placed second at 152 lbs. Camden Gray, Brandon Marshall and Logan Hall placed top five in their weight classes. #JacketProud
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
wrestling team
The home basketball games scheduled for tonight vs. Rocky Mount are still on. The JV Boys game will start at 4:30pm with the Varsity games to follow. Admission is $7. Please come out and support our teams. #JacketProud #TogetherWeSucceed
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
We're excited to begin our spring semester tomorrow, Wednesday, Jan 5, 2022. 1. Students are to report to 1st period. 2. If students do not have a schedule, access it through PowerSchool. Report to Media Center tomorrow if you do not have a schedule. 3. Schedule your session for Wednesday's Jacket Time using portal.
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS Spring Semester
RRHS Students: Please check your schedules in the student portal. Let your counselor know if you have any questions.
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Due to the inclement weather and possible hazardous road conditions, there will no RRHS Athletic practices today 1/3/22. Stay safe and warm!
about 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Here’s a feel good story: During the month of November, the RRHS SkillsUSA Chapter conducted a "Hygiene Drive" within our district as a community service project. Today, members of our SkillsUSA Chapter used the collected items to create 50 hygiene bags. These bags were donated to our RRHS Community Outreach Liaison to be distributed to our own high school students who may be in need at Christmas time. #togetherwesucceed #skillsUSA
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
skills USA
skills USA
skills USA
skills USA
RRHS Families: We want to improve our school to home communication even more. Please complete the survey below and give us your input. #TogetherWeSucceed
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
School Communication Survey
Our 2021 RRHS Snow Court. #jacketproud
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
snow court
Please share with your friends: The RRHS Band Christmas Bazaar is this Friday from 5 to 9 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Armory Gym beside RRHS. Local vendors will be on site with crafts, food, and other items. Santa will also be available for pictures on Saturday. #TogetherWeSucceed #RRHSBand
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS Band Christmas Bazaar
Our RRHS JROTC students put smiles on many faces for Thanksgiving. They delivered nearly 200 “Blessing Bags” to residents at both Signature Healthcare and Becker Manor in Roanoke Rapids. Each bag also had a handmade card inside from the Jacket Time/Lunch Crew. So proud of the work our students are doing in the community. #RRGSDCommunity #TogetherWeSucceed
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
JROTC donation
JROTC donation
JROTC donation
Congratulations to RRHS Senior Coleman Neal on being selected to the 2021 2A All State team by the North Carolina Soccer Coaches Association. 📸 Lymarie Jackson #rrgsdproud
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Coleman Neal