Thankful for our amazing school counselors and all they do to support ALL our students and staff everyday!!! Academic & college & career & social & emotional
about 1 month ago, Tom Davis
School Counselor
This past weekend three students from RRHS performed in the Eastern All-District Band at ECU. Nicole Crowder represented RRHS in the 9th/10th grade ensemble. Abygail Magana and Jordan McCain represented RRHS in the 11th/12th grade ensemble. They conducted themselves with professionalism and were great examples to their peers.
about 1 month ago, Tom Davis
All District Band at ECU
All District Band at ECU
RRHS Skills USA Community Service Project Flyer
3 months ago, Tom Davis
SKills USA Community Service Project
RRHS Christmas Choirs Concert
3 months ago, Tom Davis
RRHS Choir
RRHS Choir
RRHS Choir
RRHS Choir
RRHS Choir
RRHS Christmas Spirit Week
3 months ago, Tom Davis
RRHS Spirit Week
Roanoke Rapids High School's JROTC cadets had a busy November. They visited JROTC day at Hampton University, organized and assisted with a blood drive at the RRHS gym and delivered Blessing Bags to Signature Guardian Care and Becker Manor.
3 months ago, Tom Davis
RRHS Annual Halloween concert featuring the RRHS Concert and Symphonic Bands.
4 months ago, Tom Davis
RRHS Concert
RRHS Concert
RRHS Concert
RRHS Concert
RRHS Concert
RRHS will be testing on Thursday, October 24th.
5 months ago, Tom Davis
Take a look at our RRGSD Traditional School Calendar for the 2025-2026 school year. We wanted to share this early, so that parents could properly plan for an earlier return to school NEXT year. You can find all of our school calendars at this link: #TogetherWeSucceed
6 months ago, Amanda Clark
The RRGSD traditional calendar for the 2025-2026 school year
Parents of rising 10th-12th grade students: (9th graders were completed at Open House Chromebook Pick up) Please use the following link to complete the Annual RRGSD 1:1 Device Documentation form. This form includes acceptable use, equipment use, and google apps policies as well as photo/video/internet permission release. Failure to complete this form could result in your student being locked out of his/her device.
7 months ago, Tom Davis
Form QR Code
RRGSD students had a great time this past weekend at Prom 2024. Congratulations to Prom King Jackson Cole Etheridge and Prom Queen Madelyn Turner! #TogetherWeSucceed
11 months ago, Amanda Clark
Jackson Cole Etheridge  and Madelyn Turner
girls soccer
The junior class has partnered with LPJ photography again this year to provide a COMPLIMENTARY photo for every registered junior and senior at Prom! See you Saturday! #TogetherWeSucceed
11 months ago, Amanda Clark
Prom Pictures 2024
RRHS Wrestling Team is pictured below at the Big East 2A/3A Wrestling Conference Championship Front Row L to R: Coach Don White, Nathan Bowen, Dylan Dixon, Ashton Adams, Coach Mark Stith Back Row L to R: Ayden Jackson, Jamari Trotter, Edward Armstrong, Gabriel Roberts
about 1 year ago, Amanda Clark
RRHS Wrestling Team
The Roanoke Rapids First Tech Challenge Team "Metallica" won the Judge’s Award at Saturday's First Tech Challenge Competition in Greenville NC. Congratulations! #TogetherWeSucceed
about 1 year ago, Amanda Clark
RR Robotics Team
RRHS Important Dates!
over 1 year ago, Amanda Clark
RRHS Important Dates
Rural Health Group is coming to Roanoke Rapids Graded Schools to help get your child vaccinated. Several vaccine clinics will be held in the month of May. #TogetherWeSucceed
almost 2 years ago, Amanda Clark
School Immunization Clinic
The RRHS chapter of SkillsUSA travelled to Pitt Community College Friday to compete in several events against students from across Eastern North Carolina. The focus of these contests are the development of personal, technical, and workplace skills grounded in academics. Our students were awarded 1st place in the following competitions: Crime Scene Investigation, Emergency Medical Technician, First Aid/CPR, SkillsUSA Pledge, Prepared Speech, Debate, Extemporaneous Speech, and Medical Math. Our students were awarded 2nd place in the following competitions: Medical Terminology, Crime Scene Investigation, Emergency Medical Technician, and Promotional Bulletin Board. We also had students awarded 3rd place in Medical Terminology and Customer Service. The advisors for RRHS SkillsUSA are Josh Clark, Natalie Robertson, Lynn Moseley, and Ginger Duncan.
about 2 years ago, Amanda Clark
Prom is April 22, 2023 at the Kirkwood Adams Civic Center. Please check out the attached information for important ticket sale dates. These will be the ONLY times you can purchase your tickets. Juniors and Seniors should have received the registration form in their email earlier this evening. If you know of someone who did not receive the email, please direct them to talk to Mrs.Sparks or Mrs. Duncan. Registration forms are due March 31st. Last day of ticket sales will be April 6th. It is not too late to get a discounted ticket. Mrs. Sparks has a few boxes of pretzel rods left to sell. First come first serve!
about 2 years ago, Amanda Clark
Prom Ticket Information Flyer
RRHS Senior Yearbook Ads are on sale now! Go to to create your personalized ad for your Senior.
about 2 years ago, Amanda Clark
RRHS Senior Yearbook Ad Promo
Lew Wilson Art has painted this beautiful rendition of Roanoke Rapids High School. Personalized ornaments and prints are now available with 20% of sales being donated back to the school. This includes all of their art not just the school. To order with free shipping please visit Use promo code RRHS to track sales.
over 2 years ago, Amanda Clark
RRHS ornament in front of Christmas Tree