Our 2021 Exceptional Children’s Educator of Excellence for RRGSD, Kristen Keeter was honored today at the state EC Conference by Director Sherry Thomas. Mrs. Keeter is our speech therapist at Manning, RRHS, and ACES. She’s also an essential member of the RRGSD Autism Team and mentor to new EC teachers. #RRGSDProud #TogetherWeSucceed
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Kristen Keeter honored at EC Conference
Congratulations to our new inductees into the Spanish National Honor Society. The mission of the Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica is to recognize high school achievement in Spanish and Portuguese and to promote interest in Hispanic and Luso-Brazilian studies. #TogetherWeSucceed #RRGSDProud
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Spanish Honor Society
Spanish Honor Society
Spanish Honor Society
All of our RRHS DECA students did a fantastic job at the District Competition in Greenville this week. Congratulations to all of our many winners! #RRHSDECA #TogetherWeSucceed
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
DECA competition
DECA competition
November is DECA month so RRHS DECA had a DECA SPIRIT DAY to celebrate. This was also to advocate for the Career and Technical Education classes and for DECA as a co-curricular club for Business and Marketing Students. RRHS DECA heads to Greenville this Thursday for the annual district competition. We wish them the best! #TogetherWeSucceed #RRGSDProud
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS DECA Spirit Day
Today marks the 50th Anniversary of the Roanoke Rapids High School Chapter of the National Honor Society. Let's hear it for the RRHS NHS! #RRGSDProud #TogetherWeSucceed
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
National Honor Society
What a game! Hold your heads high. We want to give a huge shoutout to the RRHS Football team, coaches, and staff for their hard work this season. The Yellow Jackets Football season comes to an end in the 2nd round playoff game against St. Pauls. Final score 44-36 in overtime #jacketproud #togetherwesucceed
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
rrhs football
As a way of celebrating our teachers who served in the military, students delivered lunch to their classrooms today. Thanks for your service to our country! #VeteransDay #TogetherWeSucceed
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Veterans Day
veteran day lunch
Our RRHS students in the Law & Justice I program are getting great exposure to potential careers in law enforcement related fields. This month they’ve have been studying laws of arrest, search, & seizure and working on technical skills attainment with handcuffing procedures. Next week they will be tested on these skills through a practical examination. Later this semester they will continue to build on these skills with mock traffic stops, DWI awareness, and crime scene investigations. #TogetherWeSucceed #CTEPrograms
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
CTE law-enforcement training
Thanks to the area business professionals who served as interviewers for our senior mock job interviews. The experience our students gained was invaluable. Also, thanks to the Roanoke Valley Chamber for helping us organize this annual event. #TogetherWeSucceed #RRGSDCommunity
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Job interview
Job interview
Job interview
Job interview
RRHS DECA held a Practice Competition today in preparation for our District Marketing Competition later this month. Students were dressed as young business professionals and participated in an event designed to improve critical thinking, communication skills, and apply concepts learned in the classroom to real-world scenarios. Great job students! #TogetherWeSucceed #RRGSDProud
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
DECA Competition
DECA Competition
Congratulations to our very own RRHS JROTC Instructor, Major Cynthia Bunch on being recognized as the NC Instructor of the Year by the American Legion. #RRGSDProud #TogetherWeSucceed
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Major Bunch
Congratulations to our RRHS Girls Cross Country team on being named the Regional Cross Country 2A Runner-Up. Savannah Medlin placed 8th overall for the women with a time of 21:50. Our team travels to State Meet in Kernersville November 6th. #jacketproud
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
girls cross country
The RRHS Band is now selling these! Order yours today and show your Yellow Jacket pride. Sale ends November 12th. Order online: https://roanoke.itemorder.com/
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
band fundraiser
band fundraiser
Which popcorn pops best? According to our 9th grade scientists, Pop Secret not only popped best, but also was the best value. Congratulations to all of our Science Fair winners. #TogetherWeSucceed #RRGSDProud
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
science fair
science fair
science fair
science fair
A RRHS alumnus described the weekend as, "AMAZINGLY PERFECT"! We have to agree. We are all bursting with Jacket Pride. Thanks to the community and everyone who had a hand in planning the centennial celebration. #RRHSTurns100 #TogetherWeSucceed
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS Thanks
We're just days away from the 100th Anniversary Celebration of RRHS named, "North Carolina's most beautiful high school." Thanks to Superior Drone, LLC for this amazing image. #RRHSTurns100 #RRGSDProud
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS at night
Happy Homecoming Week! Today is class distinction day. We’re looking forward to an exciting week of activities. #RRHSTurns100 #RRGSDProud
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
junior class
sophomore class
senior class
freshman class
This Friday RRHS will host our annual Homecoming Football game. With it being Homecoming and our 100th Year Celebration weekend, we are expecting a large crowd for the game. To help avoid long lines on Friday night at the ticket window, RRHS will sell tickets in advance of the big game. Tickets will be sold at the Football Field Ticket Window. Here are the dates and times this week for the advance ticket sales. 1. Wednesday 9/29 from 6pm to 7pm 2. Thursday 9/30 from 6pm to 7pm Buy your tickets in advance to guarantee your seat for the big game. Please help spread the word. Thanks for your support. Go Jackets! #RRHSTurns100
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
rrhs football
Let’s hear it for the Marching Yellow Jackets! 🐝 All in class 2A - 2nd place color guard, 2nd place percussion, 1st place visual performance, 1st place music performance, 1st place general effect, and 1st place overall in class at the West Craven Band Classic today in Vanceboro. #TogetherWeSucceed #RRGSDProud
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
marching Yellow Jacket band
Here's a great #FlashBackFriday photo: Back in 1921 when the school was nearing completion, this young man stops to rest on blocks at the construction site. Many stopped by the site to marvel at the construction of this castle in our small town. Sam Patterson's vision was indeed a vision to behold when traveling down the dusty dirt path of Hamilton Street. The young man is Joseph Floyd Searcy Sr., the father of Joe Searcy who later taught, coached, and served as administrator in the district. Joseph's great grandson attends RRHS and is a member of the Class of 2025. #RRGSDProud #RRHSTurns100
over 3 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS 1921