Congratulations to this distinguished group of RRHS Seniors on maintaining scholar level each year from 4th to 12th grade. What a remarkable accomplishment! #RRGSDScholars #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
9 year scholars
Congratulations to this distinguished group of students on maintaining scholar level each year from 4th to 12th grade. What a remarkable accomplishment! #RRGSDScholars #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
9 year scholars
RRHS Seniors: Last call for chromebook and charger returns, to pay any fines you may owe, and return any school items (books, uniforms, etc.) Tuesday, May 26 from 4-6 PM in the RRHS Media Center.
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Parents/Guardians: Please complete this End of Year Survey as soon as possible: It will give us important information so we can qualify for federal Coronavirus relief money and be able to purchase additional computers for student use as well as to help us improve remote learning. If you have multiple children in the district, you only need to complete the survey once and you can provide feedback on all children (pre-kindergarten through grade 12). #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Congratulations to our 2020 RRHS Junior Marshals. #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Junior Marshals
Attention Athletes: Anyone who still has their athletic uniform from this year needs to turn them in this Tuesday (tomorrow) or Wednesday from 10am to 12 noon. Coach Snead will be at RRHS located between the Media Center and the New Building for you to drop them off. Senior athletes must turn in their uniforms if they wish to participate in graduation. Underclassmen athletes must turn in their uniforms if they wish to participate in athletics next year. #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Seniors: Stay tuned! We will be announcing our Senior Award winners this Friday. #Classof2020
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Senior Parents: We're calling this Thursday night May 21 at 8 p.m., "Be the Light Night" In lieu of our traditional spring sports Senior Nights we will have the lights on at all of our fields. You're encouraged to decorate the fence with a poster/banner in honor of your senior at their respective field. Track, Tennis, and Golf will join Soccer at Hoyle Field. #Classof2020 #SpringSports #COVIDGrads
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Be the Light Night
Reminder: Senior Ride is this Sunday sponsored by Project Graduation. Seniors are being asked to meet at Kirkwood Adams Community Center before 3 p.m. Parents are encouraged to line the route. #Classof2020 #ProjectGraduation
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Senior Ride
The North Carolina Association of Student Councils held its award ceremony tonight virtually. RRHS advisor Gary Edwards won the Kate Parks Kitchin Advisor of the Year Award. This is an incredible honor. Congratulations Mr. Edwards and thanks for all you do for our students. #KidsAreOurCustomers #JacketPride
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Gary Edwards
Today is National School Nurse Day. They rise to the challenge daily. Healers, comforters, educators, mentors, trainers, role models, and critically-needed members of every school community. Thanks for all you do! Sarah Davis RN, BSN, NCSN- (Lead School Nurse, Chaloner, RR Early College) Emily Harris, RN, BSN, NCSN (RRHS) Sara Council RN, BSN, NCSN (Belmont and Clara Hearne) Amanda White RN, BSN (Manning)
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
School Nurse Day
Please Share: May 5 is Teacher Appreciation Day. During this time of crisis, our educators have acted as a “Lighthouse” for our students and their families, serving as beacons of light and hope and helping them safely navigate the educational challenges related to COVID-19. Let’s show our teachers how much we appreciate their love and unwavering commitment to North Carolina’s public schools by placing a light in a window or turning on an outdoor light at 8:20 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5 for 20 minutes. Please share your photos with us using the hashtag #NCLighthouseLeaders. Teachers, thank you for lighting the way for learning for North Carolina’s K-12 students. #NCLighthouseLeaders #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Teachers Appreciation Week
Class of 2020: "We are working on several things coming up in the month of May. Our staff at RRHS has plans to honor and celebrate you. Stay tuned!" - Mr. White
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Parent/Student April 20th Update: If you have a library book you have finished reading, we will collect those this Wednesday during our packet pick up. Our librarians will be at Belmont, Chaloner and Manning to collect library books from 10 a.m. to 12 noon.  Students may return books to any school and we will sort them out, with the exception of RRHS Seniors.  Seniors we will arrange for you to turn in your library books and chromebooks some time next month. #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Class of 2020: Attached is a link to a site we have made available for families who may want a different graduation text inside their graduation announcements due to the current circumstances. The templates provided allow families to print them at home, cut them out and place them in an announcement. The texts are not tied to a specific date and therefore allow graduation announcements to be mailed at anytime; celebrating an achievement without being tied to a specific date.
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Congratulations to RRHS Senior Franchesca Yates. She is the recipient of this year’s Ethel Crawley Scholarship giving her a free undergraduate education to the college of her choice. Franchesca plans to attend Appalachian State and study Interior Design. #KidsAreOurCustomers #Classof2020
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Crawley Scholarship Winner
Students: AP Testing schedule
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
AP testing schedule
RRGSD 4/7 Update: This is a reminder Wednesday, April 8 is our packet pick up day. We will have both meals and packets at Clara Hearne, Belmont, Manning, and Chaloner. You should go to your child’s respective school for packets. If you’re in a vehicle, you don’t need to get out of your vehicle. Our staff will hand off packets based on grade level and food. RRHS and Early College students: If you need your Chromebook repaired, bring your computer and charger to Manning between 11 and 12 Wednesday for repair. You must bring both for repair. #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRGSD celebrates National Assistant Principal Week! Help us let our assistant principals know how much we appreciate their hard work and dedication especially during these past few weeks. Our assistant principals have been playing a critical role in supporting our families and staff. #APWeek20 #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Assistant Principal Week
Parents/Students 4/2 Update: We’ve come up with an alternative plan to continue to feed our students and meet the Food & Drug Administration guidelines, protect our staff, and further limit our interaction during this current health crisis.  Beginning next Wednesday and every Wednesday going forward, our staff will hand out bags containing five breakfast meals and five snacks per person. These bags will be distributed once per week at Belmont, Chaloner, Clara Hearne, and Manning from 10am - noon. We are also changing the times of instructional packet distribution to 10 am to noon to coincide with meal distribution. Packets will be distributed every other Wednesday beginning April 8.  Additional safety procedures will be put in place during distribution for staff to mitigate infection including mandatory use of gloves and other CDC guidelines especially social distancing.  Once again we appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate and make the best decisions for our families and staff during this pandemic.
almost 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office