Parents/Students 4/2 Update:
We’ve come up with an alternative plan to continue to feed our students and meet the Food & Drug Administration guidelines, protect our staff, and further limit our interaction during this current health crisis.

Beginning next Wednesday and every Wednesday going forward, our staff will hand our bags containing five breakfast meals and five snacks per person. These bags will be distributed once per week at Belmont, Chaloner, Clara Hearne, and Manning from 10am - noon.
We are also changing the times of instructional packet distribution to 10 am to noon to coincide with meal distribution.
Packets will be distributed every other Wednesday beginning April 8.
Additional safety procedures will be put in place during distribution for staff to mitigate infection including mandatory use of gloves and other CDC guidelines especially social distancing.
Once again we appreciate your patience and understanding as we continue to navigate and make the best decisions for our families and staff during this pandemic.

Due to the ongoing concerns for the safety of our staff, our Grab and Go Meal distribution will end this Friday, April 3, 2020. RRGSD is working with the local Meals on Wheels organization in an attempt to continue assisting our families.

Due to the ongoing concerns for the safety of our staff, our Grab and Go Meal distribution will end this Friday, April 3, 2020. RRGSD is working with the local Meals on Wheels organization in an attempt to continue assisting our families.

Seniors: Roanoke Rapids High School and its cap & gown supplier Herff Jones have planned a "drive-thru style" delivery of all senior products on Tuesday, April 7th from 11:30am-1:00pm in front of the high school. More information in the "news" section of the website.

RRHS & RRECHS Students: If your chromebook needs repair, we’re going to offer loaner chromebooks at Manning Elementary every Wednesday during the Grab & Go Meal service from 10 a.m. to noon. We will be under the metal shelter in the car line. Please bring your chromebook and charger. Our technicians will issue you a loaner and repair your computer. #KidsAreOurCustomers

RRGSD 3/23 Update: The Governor has ordered all schools to remain closed until May 15th. RRGSD will continue to move forward with our virtual learning plan which will begin on Monday, March 30th. Our teachers are working this week to prepare. Additionally, we will continue our Grab & Go Meal service Monday through Friday from 10 to noon at both Manning and Belmont Elementary Schools.
We want to thank our families and staff for working with us as we continue to navigate the impact of this current health crisis. We will continue to provide up-to-date information as we receive it.

Students: We’ve had lots of questions regarding spring events. While school is closed, all events are on hold. We hope to have more information in the coming weeks. Thanks for your patience!

RRGSD 3/22 Update: This week we will begin working on our remote learning plan. Teachers will be calling your home to ask you some questions regarding digital access. These calls may come from unknown numbers so we ask that you please make every effort to answer these calls as we finalize our plans for the coming weeks. We will continue to work in partnership with the state on what this extended closure means for our calendar. As soon as we have more information, we will share it with you. Also, Grab & Go Meals continue 10 a.m. - noon Mon.-Fri. at Belmont & Manning. #KidsAreOurCustomers

RRGSD Alert: Based on what we were instructed by the Governor’s Office and the Department of Public Instruction, our highest priorities were then, and still are, to make sure that all of our students are fed. We will continue to do that Monday through Friday from 10 to noon at both Belmont and Manning Elementary Schools.
We’re working on a remote learning plan. We will have more on that plan next week until then we ask that you visit our RRGSD Instructional Services website for the “Resources for Learning” page. There you can find digital resources for students in Pre-K through 12 in all subject areas for enrichment. So far these missed days are considered teacher workdays so NO grades are being taken at this time.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.
The COVID-19 pandemic is unlike any event we have ever seen, forcing all of us to make countless decisions that have no precedent.

Our Grab & Go Meal service continues until noon today at both Belmont and Manning Elementary. We also have bags with food and some fun activity packs for the weekend. #KidsAreOurCustomers

Come pick up your breakfast & lunch at either Belmont or Manning Elementary. Our Grab & Go Meal service runs until noon today for all students. #KidsAreOurCustomers

Parent Reminder: Our Grab & Go Meal service will begin tomorrow (3/17) from 10 a.m. to noon at both Belmont and Manning Elementary Schools. This is open to all students 18 & under. Remain in your vehicle and our staff will hand you a bag with both breakfast & lunch items. This service will be offered weekdays until further notice. #KidsAreOurCustomers

At this point, parents/families may wonder what they should do to help students academically. The quickest answer is encourage your child to read because reading is so important for all academic areas. We've created a new page devoted to a list of resources that parents can use for Learning at Home. #KidsAreOurCustomers

Parent/Student Alert: The Superintendent’s Cabinet held an emergency meeting Sunday to discuss our plans going forward as we work through the current school closure due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
This is all new territory so we ask for your patience. We have posted a list of frequently asked questions in the News section of our website with answers.
We WILL be providing a Grab & Go Drive-Thru type service weekdays for ALL students beginning Tuesday, March 17 from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at both Belmont and Manning Elementary Schools. Students will receive a bag that will include both breakfast & lunch items.
At this time we will NOT be providing virtual learning. Additional concerns are addressed in our FAQ. #KidsAreOurCustomers

Parents/Staff: We want you to know our Superintendent’s Cabinet is meeting today to discuss our plans going forward as we work through the current health crisis. There is no blueprint or playbook to follow here - only compassionate leadership with the best interests of our students, staff, and their families in mind. We will be posting later this evening our plans to provide breakfast & lunch for our students while we are closed and answers to some frequently asked questions. #KidsAreOurCustomers

Parent/Student Alert: Roanoke Rapids Graded Schools will be closed starting Monday March 16, 2020 through at least March 30th in accordance with the emergency declaration from the Governor in response to the circumstances surrounding COVID-19 (Coronavirus). This includes Roanoke Rapids Early College High School.
We are also in the process of determining if we can provide school nutrition for our students. This information will be shared in the coming days.
While we were hopeful to remain open, we must comply with these directives. All campuses will be open on Monday to allow staff ONLY to retrieve items they may need.

Congratulations to our RRHS Quiz Bowl Team on once again winning the Halifax County Quiz Bowl competition. They will represent Halifax in the upcoming regionals. #KidsAreOurCustomers

RRGSD Alert: Due to the threat from COVID-19, The North Carolina High School Athletic Association (NCHSAA) has made the decision to suspend all athletics beginning Friday, March 13, 2020 through Monday, April 6th, 2020. We will keep you up to date as we get additional information regarding RRHS & Chaloner sports. #KidsAreOurCustomers

Congratulations to our RRHS Teacher of the Year, Sandy Eisenmenger and Support Person of the Year,
Anna Whittle. #KidsAreOurCustomers

RRHS Students: Get Ready for the 2020-2021 School Year. Here are some important dates to remember.
March 9- Registration forms for the 2020-2021 school year will be sent home. Students grades 9-11 will report to homeroom at the end of the day to pick up forms.
March 12- 8th grade Parent Night 6:00-7:00. Beginning in the auditorium. All departments will be in the cafeteria at 6:30 for parents to ask questions. All parents are welcome however this is geared towards students new to high school.
March 13- Registration forms are due to homeroom teacher.
Students grades 9-11 will report to homeroom at 8:25 am to turn in forms.