RRHS Students: We have created a special webpage explaining our virtual learning schedule and attendance requirements. Check it out here: https://www.rrgsd.org/o/rrhs/page/school-year-2020-2021-virtual-learning-plan

Immunization Reminder: Pre-K, Kindergarten, and 7th Grade students are required to have updated immunizations prior to starting school on August 17th even though we are beginning the year virtually. Additionally, rising Seniors are now required to have the meningococcal (Menactra) vaccine. September 15th is the deadline to submit your child’s records to their respective school nurse. This is especially important because when we do return to in-person instruction, they will not be allowed to return without the proper documentation. Appointments may be made with the Halifax County Health Department or your child's pediatrician. #KidsAreOurCustomer #BackToSchool

Please share: RRHS 2020 Yearbooks are finally here! Yearbook pick up will begin Tuesday, Aug. 11 at the RRHS office. Please have a mask on when you enter the building. We also have a few extras for sale at $80 each. #Classof2020

RRHS Students: If you are an incoming Freshman, new student, or turned in your Chromebook from last year, we have set aside two days for pick up. Next Wednesday, Aug. 12 from 9 to noon and Thursday, Aug. 13 from 4 to 6 in the RRHS Media Center. Parents/Guardians must come to sign forms before Chromebooks are released and we ask that you please wear a mask.

Here’s the latest news regarding fall sports.

RRHS/Early College Students: We only received a few hundred responses to our survey. For that reason, we've reopened it. If face to face instruction becomes available at the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year for RRHS and RRECHS, are you willing to attend face to face classes and abide by all social distancing protocols? Please complete the survey before Wednesday at 5 p.m. . #KidsAreOurCustomers https://tinyurl.com/y5krhynj

Parents/Students: Thanks for all of your feedback regarding our Return to Learn Plan. We're responding to your questions in our new FAQ section on the website. This will be updated as we receive additional questions.

Parents/Students: We've added a new link to the website detailing our virtual learning plan for RRHS.

RRHS/Early College Students: If face to face instruction becomes available at the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year, are you willing to attend face to face classes and abide by all social distancing protocols? Please complete our new survey. #KidsAreOurCustomers

Calling all area civic, church, and community volunteers with sewing skills...we have a goal of collecting 5,000 masks for use at our schools. If you are willing to donate, please email us. They will need to be individually packaged student-sized masks for all grades. #KidsAreOurCustomers

RRHS Football Update: After further discussion with local health officials, we have decided to postpone our summer workouts until August 1. Coach Lyons plans to email workouts you can do at home to prepare for this year's season. As always, your health and safety are our top priority during this pandemic. Coach Lyons can be reached at: lyonsc.rrhs@rrgsd.org

Parents: During the COVID-19 pandemic, our district has had to reimagine how we can provide a high-quality education for all learners while maintaining safety as a top priority. In order to allow you adequate time to plan, we are providing you with a first look at potential plans for reopening school in the fall.
We will be collecting your feedback through June 30, 2020, and will be releasing a more finalized plan that integrates your feedback and state mandates in July.
Please take the time to fill out the following survey: https://forms.gle/fyxZEBFVnBnYgWhr6

Great News! The Roanoke Rapids High School SkillsUSA chapter is thrilled to receive the Lowe’s Resource Grant. Through this grant we received $1000 of resources to be used in our chapter and classrooms. Our chapter is starting our 3rd year and looking forward to what these resources can help us accomplish. With this past school year being cut short and the uncertainty of how the next school year will play out, these resources will be invaluable to us! We are excited to start using these resources to help our student leaders grow in their roles and to implement the framework of SkillsUSA throughout our chapter and classrooms. Partnerships like this help us to be able to show our students what is possible when we all work together and support each other. #LowesSkillsUSA

RRHS Students: Your final report card is available for viewing on the student portal. You can access the portal through June 25th. The system will shut down for maintenance after that date. Should you need a hard copy of your report card. We will have those available Monday-Thursday from 9 to noon at the school office. #KIdsAreOurCustomers

RRHS Football Update: Due to the threat of bad weather, our football meetings have been moved inside to the RRHS auditorium. Please enter using fire exits on the side of the courtyard.

News Flash: We just got word that our very own Felicia Booker, CTE Coordinator for the RRGSD has been named the Northeast Region Curriculum and Instructional Management Coordinator (CIMC) of the Year! Felicia will be competing at the state level. Way to go Ms. Booker! #CTE #KidsAreOurCustomers

RRHS will host three football interest meetings on Wednesday, June 17th. Due to restrictions we can only have 25 at each meeting. Please sign up using the link below if you're interested in playing football this year.
This is a student only meeting.

Thanks to our RRHS staff and RRGSD Technology Department for working today to get everything ready for our livestream graduation. #COVIDGrads #KidsAreOurCustomers #ClassOf2020

Class of 2020: Here's the link to Friday's commencement on YouTube. We will be live beginning at 5:30 p.m. #RRHS2020

Parents/Students: 9th, 10th, and 11th graders will keep their Chromebooks over the summer break. If you're not planning to return to class in August, you'll need to turn it in to the school office.