Reminder: Application deadline for RRGSD's new Virtual Academy is May 1. This is perfect for students who are currently being homeschooled or those who flourish working independently. Your student will be taught by a certified teacher and have the ability to participate in extracurricular activities on campus. Questions? Check out the link below. #KidsAreOurCustomers

It’s getting closer! Graduation regalia and invitations arrived today. #KidsAreOurCustomers #ClassOf2021

Football Playoff Update: The RRHS Football team will play at Southwest Edgecombe on Friday night in the 1st round of the NCHSAA 2AA State Playoffs. Game time is set for 7pm. There will be NO tickets sold at the game. You must purchase tickets in advance. RRHS will hold our pre-sell Wednesday April 14th from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at the football field. The cost of each ticket will be $8. This pre-sell is open to parents, family, friends, and community member fans. Please come out and purchase your ticket and support our Yellow Jackets. #JacketFootball

Sports Update: On Monday April 12 RRHS Athletics will begin tryouts for our final four sports of the school year. Below you will see the times and locations of these tryouts. You will also find the contact information for each coach. Please contact the coach to let them know you plan to try out or if you have any questions. You must have a physical date on or after March 1, 2019 and the other 5 papers filled out and turned in before you can try out. If you have done these for another sport already this year then you are covered. Also, please bring your own water to tryouts.
Tryouts will start for all grades on Monday 4/12 at 4pm at Doyle Field (at the TJ Davis Recreation Center). Dress in baseball attire for tryouts.
Coach Snead: sneadm.rrhs@rrgsd.org
Women's Tennis
Practices will start on Monday 4/12 at 6pm at the TJ Davis Recreation Center tennis courts.
Coach Pageau: michelle_pageau@yahoo.com
Practices will start on Monday 4/12 at 5:30pm in the RRHS Gym.
Coach White: dpswhite@gmail.com
Practices will start on Monday 4/12 at 4pm at the Manning Track.
Coach McGee: mcgees.cm@rrgsd.org
If you are currently playing another sport here at RRHS please let your coach know. You cannot quit your current sport to start one of these new sports. You can practice both sports if you can work it out with both coaches and the times of these practices.
Thanks and good luck to everyone trying out. Go Jackets!!!

And the football playoffs continue with a 31-19 win! Thanks to everyone who came out tonight for Senior Night to support our Jackets. #jacketsports #RRGSDCommunity #RRHSTurns100 #KidsAreOurCustomers

Rising 5th-12th Graders: Ready to join the band? Get your instrument! No prior experience necessary. If you want to learn to play, come join us April 15 at 6 p.m. for an informational meeting. Questions? Call Mrs. Manning at 252-519-7249. Virtual meeting link below:

Football Update: Due to the increased risk of thunderstorms on Friday night, the RRHS football game vs.Bunn is being moved to Thursday April 8 at 6:30pm at Historic Hoyle Field.
Advanced ticket sales will be held today, Wednesday April 7, from 6-7pm at the RRHS gym. Student tickets will be $5 and Adult tickets will be $8. Cash or checks made out to RRHS will be accepted.
Any remaining tickets will be sold on Thursday starting at 5:30pm at the Hoyle Field ticket window. All tickets sold on Thursday will be $8.

Reminder: RRHS Homecoming Game is this Friday at 6:30. A win tomorrow night will make us the Northern Carolina Conference Champs, a first since 2014 in football. We will have a limited number of tickets available at the gate. Come out and support the Jackets! #RRHSTurns100 #KidsAreOurCustomers

Homecoming is this Friday against Warren County. Thanks to the many local businesses that sponsored our live stream this year. #JacketSports

It's homecoming week at RRHS. As we continue to celebrate our 100th Anniversary, here's an image of the school's first football team in 1921. Their first game was against Emporia and was played at Rosemary Baseball Park located on Roanoke Avenue. #RRHSTurns100 #RRHSHomecoming #KidsAreOurCustomers

They're going fast! The RRHS Yearbooks are on sale for $65 until April 1st! The price of the yearbooks will increase on April 1st.
To purchase a yearbook use link below with Code: 17870 or Roanoke Rapids HS. This year's yearbook is sure to be one of a kind, as it's our 100th-anniversary Yearbook.

Three deserving staff members were honored today for all they do for our students. Join us in congratulating our Teacher of the Year, Heidi May;
Beginning Teacher of the Year, Ginger Duncan; and Support Person of the Year, Johnnie Caine. #KidsAreOurCustomers

Employees Alberta Gray and Johnnie Caine were recently honored by the City of Roanoke Rapids for all they do to keep RRHS and the surrounding neighborhood clean. Thanks Ms. Gray & Mr Caine for all you do! #KidsAreOurCustomers #RRGSDCommunity

Parents: We will host two virtual informational sessions to explain course offerings for the 2021-2022 academic year. Please plan to attend one of these meetings. #KidsAreOurCustomers
March 24th at 11 am: https://meet.google.com/njt-ufoy-ccp
March 24th at 6 pm: https://meet.google.com/cia-jtya-zuv

5th-11th graders: We're now registering for band for the 2021-2022 academic year. Click the link below to learn more and submit your interest. https://www.bepartofthemusic.org/group/index.php?id=5817

RRHS Students: Class registration for the 2021-2022 academic year will be held March 22-26. All registration will be done virtually this year via Google Classroom. Contact your school counselor if you have questions. Two parent sessions will be held on March 24 at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. #KidsAreOurCustomers

Today we announced the Valedictorian and Salutatorian for the 100th graduating class of RRHS. Join us in congratulating Valedictorian Catherine MacNichol and Salutatorian Taylor Floyd. We also named our 2021 Junior Marshals: Gabrielle Long, Cameron Neal, Meghan Beam, Hunt Qualls, Crystal Guo, Mary Brown, Emma Odom, Karson Hasty, Ellis Shacklette (not pictured), and Ashlynn Stettler. #KidsAreOurCustomers #RRGSDTurns100 #RRHSClassof2021

RRHS Students: We are excited to have you back on campus tomorrow!
Please do not forget to sign up for Jacket Time. A video was sent to your email explaining how to use the online platform.
We ask that you arrive on campus by 8:15 a.m. for the required COVID-19 screening. Please remember to wear your mask at all times.
Breakfast and lunch will be offered and we ask that parents not bring lunches on campus due to COVID restrictions.
Unfortunately, seniors will not be allowed to leave campus for lunch.
We are planning a senior prom April 17. With the changing guidelines, more details will shared soon via email. #RRGSDReturnToLearn #KidsAreOurCustomers

On Tuesday, March 16 we will begin welcoming our students back to our buildings. Check out the Back to School Central page for start times, bus schedules, safety protocols, and more. https://www.rrgsd.org/page/back-to-school-central
#KidsAreOurCustomers #RRGSDReturnToLearn

Update on NFHS Sports Network: The superintendent is aware of the situation and we have been in contact today with the company to replace our camera at Hoyle Field . Unfortunately, our streaming camera was damaged during the recent rain storms and will be replaced soon. Thanks for your patience and understanding. #JacketSports #RRGSDCommunity