The RRHS Yearbook Team presented the 2020-2021 yearbook dedications today to Mrs.Kelly Sparks (Teacher Dedication) & Mrs.Heidi Barker (Staff Dedication). This is the 100th Anniversary Edition of the RRHS Yearbook. The yearbook team will be releasing a video next week for students, faculty, and community members to get a sneak peak at this years special edition yearbook. Yearbooks can still be purchased by going to (17870), or paying $70 cash in the RRHS office. #JacketPride #RRHSTurns100
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
yearbook dedication
Yearbook dedication
yearbook dedication
yearbook dedication
RRHS Students/Families: Here's our current testing schedule. #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Testing Schedule
The RRHS 100th Class and the 1st Class for the RR Early College High School. We're proud of you! Congratulations, Class of 2021. (Note: Even though masks are not required outside, students were asked to wear them because of their close proximity in an effort to prevent a COVID outbreak that could potentially interfere with upcoming commencement exercises.) #ClassOf2021 #RRHSturns100 #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS Class of 2021
Early College Class of 2021
RRHS Families: If you received a letter regarding summer school attendance, they are due back this Friday, May 14. If you did not receive a letter, and want your student to attend summer school, please pick up a form at the RRHS office. #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS Students: It is time to return all district chrome devices and hotspots for maintenance over the summer. Monday, May 17th- Wednesday, May 19th- Students who have finished exams may turn in devices anytime from 8:30-3:30 in the RRHS Media Center. Thursday, May 20th- Students who have finished exams may turn in devices anytime from 8:30-6pm in the RRHS Media Center. EOC students taking Biology, English ll, NC Math 1, and NC Math 3 will turn in chromebooks/chargers/hotspots following their last EOC exam. All devices should be returned no later than Thursday, May 27th. Please return BOTH the device and charger to avoid any fines.
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
chromebook return
Congratulations to our very own Mr. White on being named the RRGSD Principal of the Year. #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Jeff White Principal of the Year
RRHS Spanish III and IV Celebrating “5 de Mayo” with an authentic piñata 🪅 hitting game. #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
cinco de Mayo
cinco de Mayo
cinco de Mayo
Congratulations to our RRGSD Beginning Teacher of the Year, Ginger Duncan. Duncan teaches health sciences at RRHS. #KidsAreOurCustomers #BeginningTeacherofTheYear
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Beginning Teacher of the Year
RRHS Students/Families: Here's the final exam schedule for RRHS. #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Exam Schedule
5th-11th graders: The Roanoke Rapids Band is getting ready for next year. If you missed the meeting to join the band, there is another opportunity this Thursday! Join the zoom meeting set up for Thursday, May 6th at 6pm. If you have questions, please contact Mrs. Manning at or by phone at 252-519-7249.
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
End of the road for our Lady Jacket Soccer team tonight after losing to Richlands in the first round of the regional playoffs. They earned the Northern Carolina Conference Championship with an undefeated regular season of 10-0. Job well done! #JacketSports
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Women's Soccer
Women's Soccer
Women's Soccer
Women's Soccer
The RRHS Golf team is headed to the state championship next week after finishing 2nd in the regionals today in Pinehurst. #JacketSports
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
rrhs golf team
The RRHS Women’s Soccer team will host Richlands in the 1st round of the NCHSAA state playoffs on Monday night at 6pm. Let’s come out and support our Lady Jackets. Tickets will be available at the gate. #JacketSports
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Lady Jacket Soccer
Proud of the work our students have done this year keeping the Roanoke Canal Trail clean. Kudos to the RRHS Spanish National Honor Society for organizing this effort. #RRGSDCommunity #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
canal trail cleanup
Spanish honor society clean up
canal trail cleanup
It's Senior Decision Day! We applaud the Class of 2021 in their decisions to pursue higher education, enlist in the military, complete a trade program, or head to the workforce. We wish you all the best! #KidsAreOurCustomers #SeniorDecisionDay #Classof2021
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Senior Decision Day
Senior Decision Day
Senior Decision Day
Update from the North Carolina High School Athletic Association. #JacketSports
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Less than five months away from our 100th Anniversary celebration Here's a Then & Now for #TBT. #Science #RRHSTurns100
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Science Lab 100 Years Ago
RRHS 2021 Science Lab
Students: Make-up photos will be Thursday 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in the gym. Any virtual student that missed their photo session is welcome to stop by. You do not need an appointment and there is no charge. Senior cap & gown photos will be in the auditorium beginning at 9 a.m. #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Congratulations to our 2021 Prom Queen and King, Kaitlin Moseley and Bennett Liverman. #ClassOf2021 #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
prom kind and queen
prom king and queen
RRGSD Superintendent Dr. Butler called it, "a proud moment for our school district and city." as we unveiled the new historic marker in front of RRHS. The marker was donated by the Alumni & Friends Association and installed by the City of RR. #KidsAreOurCustomers #RRHSTurns100
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS Historic Marker Install
RRHS Historic Marker Install
RRHS Historic Marker Install
RRHS Historic Marker Install