Last call for locker item and yearbook pick up tomorrow from 5-7 pm #Jackets #KidsAreOurCustomers
Chaloner reminders for this week. #Jackets #KidsAreOurCustomers
Parents/Students: The wait is over...the Chaloner Yearbook has arrived!
Yearbooks, along with locker belongings, will be distributed on a grade-level basis next week. On Monday, from 10 a.m. to noon eighth graders may pick up their yearbooks and locker belongings. Then on Tuesday during the same time, seventh graders can pick up their yearbooks and locker belongings. Sixth graders can pick up their yearbooks and locker belongings on Wednesday. Parents need to drive around to the gym and will be asked for their child's name. A staff member will retrieve the already labeled and bagged belongings.
Thank you so much for your cooperation during this time! #KidsAreOurCustomers
Today is National School Nurse Day. They rise to the challenge daily. Healers, comforters, educators, mentors, trainers, role models, and critically-needed members of every school community. Thanks for all you do!
Sarah Davis RN, BSN, NCSN- (Lead School Nurse, Chaloner, RR Early College)
Emily Harris, RN, BSN, NCSN (RRHS)
Sara Council RN, BSN, NCSN (Belmont and Clara Hearne)
Amanda White RN, BSN (Manning)
It's Teacher Appreciation Week! #ThankATeacher #NCLighthouseLeaders #KidsAreOurCustomers
Reminders for this week. #Jackets #KidsAreOurCustomers
Please Share: May 5 is Teacher Appreciation Day. During this time of crisis, our educators have acted as a “Lighthouse” for our students and their families, serving as beacons of light and hope and helping them safely navigate the educational challenges related to COVID-19.
Let’s show our teachers how much we appreciate their love and unwavering commitment to North Carolina’s public schools by placing a light in a window or turning on an outdoor light at 8:20 p.m. on Tuesday, May 5 for 20 minutes. Please share your photos with us using the hashtag #NCLighthouseLeaders. Teachers, thank you for lighting the way for learning for North Carolina’s K-12 students. #NCLighthouseLeaders #KidsAreOurCustomers
Parents: Thanks for your cooperation today in picking up third quarter report cards. Our remote learning continues through May 29th.
We will issue one final report that will contain remote learning participation and promotion/retention information for the 2020-2021 school year once all remote learning is completed. Please continue to be in touch with your child’s teacher regarding work done at home and packet completion. Our next packet pick up will be next Wednesday May, 6th from 10 a.m. to noon at Clara Hearne, Belmont, Manning, and Chaloner.
CMS Parents/Students:
Along with the weekly food pick up tomorrow between 10 a.m. and noon at Chaloner, you can also pick up report cards and winter sports/band pictures. Also, if you have finished reading your library book, please bring it with you tomorrow and place it in the bin.
Chaloner reminders: Report card pick up this week
Chaloner Parents: It's that time of year again.....time for exploratory registration. The exploratory teachers have created a video for you to view with your child in order to make an informed decision for next year. Homeroom teachers have added this video to their Google Classroom. Please take a moment over the weekend to view the video as we have a new class that will be offered next year.
Then, starting Monday, April 27th, students can go to the Google Classroom of their homeroom teacher and register for their selections for the upcoming school year. Students will have until Tuesday, May 5th, to complete the registration process.
The CMS counselors will call any student who does not complete a registration form. #KidsAreOurCustomers
Parent/Student April 20th Update: If you have a library book you have finished reading, we will collect those this Wednesday during our packet pick up. Our librarians will be at Belmont, Chaloner and Manning to collect library books from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. Students may return books to any school and we will sort them out, with the exception of RRHS Seniors. Seniors we will arrange for you to turn in your library books and chromebooks some time next month. #KidsAreOurCustomers
Chaloner reminders: New packet and food pick up, library book drop off this week.
Parent/Student 4/19 Update: It's time for our next round of packets! We will once again be distributing packets and bags of food this Wednesday 4/22 between 10 a.m. and noon at Belmont, Manning, Clara Hearne, and Chaloner.
Additionally, a local non profit group, The Rewritten Story Foundation will be using our parking lot at Manning this Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday to hand out lunches from 10 a.m. to noon. #KidsAreOurCustomers
Chaloner Remote Learning Update 4/16: Teachers are diligently working to provide quality instruction remotely to students during this difficult time. We are asking that you please encourage and even check behind your students in their work. Some students are working paper and pencil only, but teachers would still appreciate hearing from you either through email, remind apps, or Google Classroom. If your student is working in their Google Classrooms, teachers often post daily. They want you to know they are available for questions and concerns! It would be very helpful for families to check emails and your student’s Google classrooms. Thank you for your help in tending to this reminder as we are all in this together! #KidsAreOurCustomers
Chaloner reminders:
Going, going…. get yours before they’re gone! Order your Chaloner yearbook before it is too late. Limited copies remain... order at or call 1-877-767-5217
RRGSD 4/7 Update: This is a reminder Wednesday, April 8 is our packet pick up day. We will have both meals and packets at Clara Hearne, Belmont, Manning, and Chaloner. You should go to your child’s respective school for packets. If you’re in a vehicle, you don’t need to get out of your vehicle. Our staff will hand off packets based on grade level and food.
RRHS and Early College students: If you need your Chromebook repaired, bring your computer and charger to Manning between 11 and 12 Wednesday for repair. You must bring both for repair. #KidsAreOurCustomers
RRGSD celebrates National Assistant Principal Week! Help us let our assistant principals know how much we appreciate their hard work and dedication especially during these past few weeks. Our assistant principals have been playing a critical role in supporting our families and staff. #APWeek20 #KidsAreOurCustomers
Parent Update 4/4: Beginning Monday, 4/6 The Rewritten Story Foundation, a local non-profit, will be providing bag lunches to children in our area. Lunches will be handed out at Manning Elementary's Drive Thru from 10am - noon on Mon, Tues, Thurs., and Fri. RRGSD will continue its meal distribution on Wednesdays along with packet pick up. We appreciate this non-profit and their service to our community. #RRGSDCommunity #KidsAreOurCustomers