Thanks to our dedicated, hard-working, amazing Assistant Principals. Happy National Assistant Principals Week! #APWeek19
almost 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
rrhs AP Week
Our RRHS Health Occupations students will host a community spring blood drive Wednesday, April 3rd from 8-2 in the gym. Please consider giving the gift of life! #RRGSDCommunity #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS Blood Drive
Senior Abbi Carpenter is making RRHS history. Abbi earned a perfect score on the Microsoft Excel Certification. Perfect score is 1000 which is rare to reach. Congratulations Abbi! #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Abbi earns perfect score
The RRGSD Board of Education honored the RRHS Science Olympiad Team tonight for their recent win at the regional competition. The team will represent the district in the state science and math competition next month. #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Science Olympiad Winners RRHS
Class of 2019: We will be having the annual Baccalaureate Service this year on May 19th instead of May 26th due to the Memorial Day holiday. The first graduation practice will be on May 15th at 3:30 p.m. Graduation is May 31. #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Graduation News RRHS
The RRGSD middle and high school shooting teams competed at Rose Hill Farm this weekend in Nashville. The middle school team earned 3rd place in Archery, Shotgun, Orienteering, and 3rd place overall in the middle school division. The high school team earned 1st place in Archery in the high school division. 22 middle school students and 13 high school students represented RRGSD very well.#kidsareourcustomers
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Rrgsd teams
We're proud of our students & staff for hosting the North Carolina Association of Student Councils State Convention. Welcome to all of the 500 students and instructors visiting RRHS this weekend. #studentleadership #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Student Council Convention
Student Council Convention
Student Council Convention
Student Council Convention
Students: Our 2019-2020 Curriculum Handbook is now posted on our website. Please refer to this as you begin to choose classes for next year. #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Our RRHS SkillsUSA team traveled to Wayne Community College today to compete in various career related skills events. Sixteen of our students competed against 400 students from across eastern North Carolina in EMT, Community Emergency Response, Job Interview, Debate, Extemporaneous Speech, Customer Service, and Pledge. We brought home seven 1st place finishes, two 2nd place, three 3rd place, two 4th place, and one 5th place. Way to go Jackets! #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Skills USA Team
Does antibacterial soap really kill 99% of germs? Our 9th grade Science Fair students concluded only around 60%. Our RRHS and Early College students really put in the work for this year's fair. Great job! #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Science Fair
Science Fair
Science Fair
Science Fair
Class of 2019: Cap/gown delivery date will be on April 18th in the high school auditorium between 11:25 and 1:00. All merchandise must be paid in full prior to receiving your merchandise. Beginning today, NO personal CHECKS are being accepted for payments. You may pay with cash, credit cards, money orders or cashier checks. If you are paying with a credit card, that transaction must be completed by April 12th. They will take cash only on the delivery date. Payments may be paid directly to Graduate Services or to Mrs. Harris. Any questions, please call Mrs. Harris at 519-7344 or Graduate Services at 1-800-849-7464.
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Parent Reminder: Thursday, March 7 RRHS counselors will host a parent night for current 10th and 11th graders interested in taking tuition- free college courses through the Career and College Promise Program. Current CCP students and parents are welcome however this will be geared towards new enrollment. Please meet in the media center at 6pm. #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Former RRHS student Randy Williams returned to our Drafting II & III class today to share his college experiences with us. He is currently a junior at UNC - Charlotte majoring in Civil Engineering. He is a former drafting student and wanted to share how his experiences in Drafting here at RRHS helped prepare him for his major. #rrhsalum
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Rrhs drafting
Thanks to the Halifax County Commissioners and county administrators for allowing our RRHS and Early College students to participate in a mock County Commissioner's meeting this week along with other high schools. #KidsAreOurCustomers #Community
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Parents/Caregivers: Have you heard your child talk about the "Momo Challenge"? Media posts across the county are connecting the challenge with children exhibiting self-harm. The “player” (potentially your child) is alerted to messages requests self injurious behaviors to be captured and submitted. We are gravely concerned by this and are seeking your help through awareness and support. Please closely monitor social media exposure especially to the Momo Challenge. Pay close attention to any warning signs of self-harm. In the event that you require any support from the school concerning this please notify the administration, school counselor and/or school psychologist at your school. #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Congratulations to our Science Olympiad Team. They took 9th out of 17 teams at Lenior Community College. Students Alex Beets, Johnathan Garcia, Aldrin Mosqueda, and Kristin Pampilo will be attending the state competition in April. #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS Juniors: The ACT test scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 20 has been canceled and will be rescheduled at a later date. #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRGSD Alert: Due to forecast for possible inclement weather, Roanoke Rapids Graded Schools will operate on a 2 hour delay for students and staff Wednesday, Feb. 20, 2019. #KidsAreOurCustomers Debido al pronóstico de un posible clima inclemente, las escuelas graduadas de Roanoke Rapids operarán con un retraso de 2 horas para los estudiantes y el personal el miércoles 20 de febrero de 2019.
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
2 hour school delay
Parents/Students: We will begin class registration in March for the 2019-2020 school year. Please save the following dates on your calendar. Look forward to seeing you for our Parent Night on March 12th. #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS Registration
Parent Reminder: Want to check grades, attendance, or upcoming assignments? The Parent Portal is a free tool we provide. If you need a login, contact your child’s school. #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 6 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Parent Portal