RRGSD Students Continue to Show Proficiency and Growth on State Tests

North Carolina’s annual School Performance Grade accountability results were released Wednesday morning and Roanoke Rapids Graded School District students continue to show proficiency and growth.  Belmont Elementary students showed the most improvement gaining by more than 300% in reading and math. Manning Elementary once again exceeded growth missing its B performance grade by one point. Roanoke Rapids Early College High School earned a C grade but also met the state’s growth measure.  Roanoke Rapids High School improved from a 58 to a 64 earning a C performance grade. Chaloner Middle also earned a C grade.  

Additionally, Roanoke Rapids High School exceeded the state’s graduation cohort jumping from 80.5 to 87.6.  


The school grades are based primarily on overall proficiency rates on the state’s standardized end-of-grade tests, and to a lesser extent, the growth students make during the year, irrespective of performance level. Eighty percent of the grade is for the percentage of tests earning a score considered grade-level proficient; 20 percent is for growth, measured by a statistical model that compares each student’s predicted test score, based on past performance, against his or her actual result. 

State Superintendent Mark Johnson pointed to the gains that North Carolina schools have made since 2014 to underscore how the hard work of dedicated educators is helping many students succeed. “Teachers across the state are working hard to ensure that students learn and achieve,” Johnson said. 

Acting Superintendent Larry Catalano echoed Superintendent Johnson’s comments, “Our teachers and staff are a hardworking team. They are committed to ensuring students learning growth and achievement. We will continue to focus on building strong relationships with all students while customizing their learning experiences. I am very proud of our students, staff, and community for their hard work and dedication to our students. Our academic success has been achieved through our teamwork.”