We are nearing the end of our semester!
May 3-7, the RRECHS teachers will be rounding out and reviewing.
Final Exams for RRECHS courses will begin May 10 with the following schedule:
Monday, May 10 - RRECHS Teacher-made exams and end of HCC semester (Regular school hours - 8:25-3:25)
Tuesday, May 11 - English II EOC - 8:25 - 11:30/12:30 (if needed)
Wednesday, May 12 - Math III EOC - 8:25 - 11:30/12:30 (if needed)
Thursday, May 13 - Math I EOC - 8:25 - 11:30/12:30 (if needed)
Friday, May 14 - NCVPS courses round out
Monday, May 17 - Biology EOC - 8:25-11:30/12:30 (if needed) - Any student who is taking NCVPS Biology needs to take this mandated state EOC.
Tuesday, May 18 - Makeup Exams (If needed)
Wednesday, May 19 - Makeup Exams (If needed)
Any virtual student who is taking an EOC is required to take the EOC face-to-face.
Final Exams and EOC's are 20% of your semester average. You cannot be exempt from an EOC.
You must bring your fully charged chrome books on the day of your exam.
If you will need bus transportation on any of these days, please contact Ms. Moseley.
Breakfast/Lunch will be available as usual.
Please follow the exam schedule and the instructions given by your RRECHS teachers for the final days of our semester.