We are happy to be able to begin this year with all phases of construction complete at our new building!  Parking is available in our expanded lot at the front of campus beginning the first day of school, and you will be able to walk your child to class on their first day.  In the afternoons, kindergarten car riders will dismiss at 3:00 PM, and our bus riders in all grades will dismiss at 3:10.  As in previous years, if you have an older child in grades 3-5, your kindergarten student will be dismissed with them at the later time of 3:10.


Our parent orientation for kindergarten will take place on Monday, August 26th at 9:00 AM, and will begin in the Manning multipurpose room.  This session will provide more information about your child’s first year at Manning Elementary and allow you to meet your child’s teacher.  It will last about 2 hours and is intended for parents only, so please do not bring your child to this orientation.  After an opening session in the cafeteria, you will be going to your child’s classroom where you will get more specific information and can drop off school supplies.  Parents are then invited to come back and bring their child anytime before 3:30PM that day in order for the student to meet their teacher.  To help your child adjust to kindergarten, he or she will attend on a staggered schedule for the first two days as shown in the highlighted section below:


Group A:    Tuesday August 27th  

Group B:   Wednesday August 28th


All K students will start attending school daily on Thursday, August 29th.


School opens at 7:45AM, and the tardy bell rings at 8:10AM; all students should be in class at that time.  Please be prepared to share with your child’s teacher at orientation how your child will get home in the afternoon.