Please share! We look forward to seeing all of our parents. #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Leadership Day
Our Belmont 4th graders are visiting the Durham Museum of Life and Science for a day of exploring and learning. #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
4th grade trip
4th grade trip
Thanks to Ms. Kuyzendra A. Cobb and the United Steelworkers Women Of Steel for donating paper to our school. We're always appreciative of our community partners. #RRGSDCommunity #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
United Steel Workers Donation
Thanks Clements Mechanical for donating to our Belmont students for the holidays. We're thankful for the many local businesses that partner with our schools to help students. #RRGSDCommunity #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Clements Mechanical
Reminder: Belmont Third Grade Read to Achieve Night is Nov 7. #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Read to achieve
Reminder: Belmont Picture Make-up Day is October 28! #kidsareourcustomers Recuerdan: Si su estudiante no tomo fotos en la escuela Belmont el 28 de Octubre tendrán una nueva oportunidad.
about 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
During National Principals' Month, we salute our leaders who make our schools better for our students, educators, families, and community. Thank You! #NationalPrincipalsMonth #KidsAreOurCustomers
about 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
principals month
Spirit Week begins Monday at Belmont. Let's have some fun! #KidsAreOurCustomers La proxima semana es semana de espíritu en la escuela Belmont. Vamos a divertirnos vestiendo diferente cada dia. Lunes es dia de pijamas. Martes es dia de ropa que no combina. Martes es dia de cabello loco o gorro. Jueves es dia de carreras. Viernes es dia de espíritu escolar. Pongan ropa de color negro y amarillo para demostrar su espíritu escolar.
about 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Belmont Spirit Week
Belmont Bees: Save these dates on your calendar. #KidsAreOurCustomers
over 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Belmont Important Dates
Make-Up Days Scheduled: The RRGSD Board of Education set October 21, 2019 as the make-up day for recent closure due to Hurricane Dorian. The board agreed to forgive the second missed day. The Roanoke Rapids Early College High School will make-up missed time on Friday, October 11, 2019. #KidsAreOurCustomers
over 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Make-Up Days Hurricane Dorian
Alert: Belmont's A/C is operational. We will resume normal operations Wednesday 9/18. #KidsAreOurCustomers El aire acondicionado de la escuela Belmont está funcionando. La escuela operará con su horario normal mañana Miércoles.
over 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Alert: Due to some issues with our air compressor, Belmont Elementary will operate on a half day schedule on Tuesday, September 17, 2019. We will release students at 11:45 a.m. Tuesday and cancel Place to Play for the afternoon. We hope to have it repaired by Wednesday. Thanks in advance for your understanding. #KidsAreOurCustomers --- Alerta: debido a unos problemas con nuestro compresor de aire condicionado, los estudiantes de la escuela Belmont van a salir a las 11:45 mañana martes 17 de septiembre. Place to play está cancelado para la tarde. Esperemos tener las reparaciones necesarios para miércoles. Gracias de antemano por su entendimiento.
over 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Early Release Belmont Only
Thanks to Halifax County Sheriff Wes Tripp and his department for collecting and donating school supplies to us today. #KidsAreOurCustomers
over 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Sheriff supply donations
Hurricane Dorian Update: Roanoke Rapids Graded Schools will be closed Thursday and Friday for students and staff. #KidsAreOurCustomers — Sobre el Huracán Dorian: Las escuelas de Roanoke Rápids estaran cerrados Jueves y Viernes para estudiantes y empleados.
over 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Hurricane closure
Parents: Due to the threat of Hurricane Dorian, the lockdown drill scheduled for Friday, September 6, at 9:30 has been postponed until Friday, September 13, 2019. The purpose of a lockdown drill is to prepare our students and staff for any emergency that may occur, making it necessary for us to lock down classrooms and/or the entire building.
over 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Hurricane Dorian Update: RRGSD leadership is working with local agencies to monitor the latest forecast. We will keep you updated regarding possible closure and potential cancelation of athletic events. In addition to posting on our social media, website, and mobile notifications, we will also send out an all call via phone and text. #KidsAreOurCustomers --- Sobre el Huracán Dorian: Los líderes de RRGSD estan trabajando con las agencias locales para montiorear el pronóstico local. Los tendremos informados sobre la posibilidad de cerrar y el potencial de cancelar eventos atléticos. En adición de poner informacion en nuestros paginas de redes sociales, pagina web, y notificaciones móvil, también vamos hacer una llamada y mensaje de texto a todos.
over 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
dorian update
Thanks to the Hodgestown Reunion Community Affairs Committee for donating school supplies today to Belmont. #RRGSDCommunity #KidsAreOurCustomers
over 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
School supply donation
Scheduled School Lockdown On Friday, September 6 at 9:30am, Belmont Elementary School will be conducting our annual lock down drill. The safety and security of our students and staff is our highest priority. We practice these drills throughout the year to keep our students and staff safe in the event of an actual emergency. Check the Tuesday folders for more information. #KidsAreOurCustomers Bloqueo escolar programado El viernes 6 de Septiembre a las 9:30 am, la Escuela Primaria Belmont llevará a cabo nuestro simulacro de cierre anual. La seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal es nuestra máxima prioridad. Practicamos estos simulacros durante todo el año para mantener seguros a nuestros estudiantes y al personal en caso de una emergencia real. Consulte las carpetas de los martes para obtener mas información. #LosNinosSonNuestrosClientes
over 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Happy First Day! Let’s see those photos. Post below. #RRGSD1stDay
over 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Who is ready for #RRGSD1stDay? We will once again have our photo booth set up in front of the school Monday morning. Be sure to tag us in your photos using the hashtag #RRGSD1stDay #KidsAreOurCustomers
over 5 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
rrgsd first day photo booth