Looking for a fun and educational place for your children this summer? Summer Place to Play begins next week. We still have openings! Here's the link to apply: https://5il.co/s9c3
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Summer Place to Play
Our RRGSD Summer Grab & Go Lunch Service begins next Monday, June 7 through July 29. Free Meals will be available Monday - Thursday from 11 to noon at Belmont Elementary for anyone 18 & under. #KidsAreOurCustomers #SummerMeals
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Summer Meals
We did it! Enjoy your summer. #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Last day of school
RRGSD Families: It's the last day of school and we want your feedback. Below is a link to our end of year survey. Your responses will be used to plan and make decisions for the 2021-22 school year. This survey can be submitted anonymously. Thanks in advance for your participation. #KidsAreOurCustomers https://tinyurl.com/5e8whppu
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Parent Survey
As the 100th graduating class prepares to walk across the historic RRHS stage tonight, here's a #FridayFlashBack to the Class of 1945. #KidsAreOurCustomers #RRHSTurns100
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS Class of 1945
As the 100th graduating class prepares to walk across the historic RRHS stage tonight, here's a #FridayFlashBack to the Class of 1945. #KidsAreOurCustomers #RRHSTurns100
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS Class of 1945
If you plan to enroll your student in Place to Play this summer, please complete the application today. We need a headcount for supplies and meals. Here's the link to the application: https://5il.co/s9c3
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Place to Play
RRGSD Families: We want your feedback. Below is a link to our end of year survey. Your responses will be used to plan and make decisions for the 2021-22 school year (including spending federal funds). This survey can be submitted anonymously. Thanks in advance for your participation. #KidsAreOurCustomers https://tinyurl.com/5e8whppu
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Federal Survey
We're so proud of our first graduating class of The Roanoke Rapids Early College High School. The 22 graduates were awarded more than $700,000 in college scholarships to further their education. Fourteen students will enter college this fall with their first two years already completed. Other graduates are headed straight to the workforce with college certifications in Welding, Industrial Systems, and Nursing. Way to go RRECHS! #KidsAreOurCustomers #RRECHSClassof2021
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Early College by the numbers
It was amazing to see each of you cross the stage tonight for our first RR Early College graduation. Congratulations again Class of 2021! Go be the change you want to see in the world. #KidsAreOurCustomers #rrechsclassof2021
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
early college graduation
Early College graduation
early college graduation
early college graduation
We will be live streaming tonight's RR Early College Graduation in addition to other upcoming school events on the RRGSD YouTube Channel. #KidsAreOurCustomers https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYHTegFfrwBuo0UJPSkTEiQ?view_as=subscriber
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Steaming Schedule
Class of 2021, you were our pioneers at the RRECHS. Tonight, you will become our first graduates. You did it! #FlashbackFriday #KidsAreOurCustomers #ClassOf2021
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
class of 2021
National EMS Week is a time to thank paramedics, EMTs and the entire EMS workforce for their service and sacrifices. We want to thank the many EMS workers who have helped in our schools this past year. #EMSWeek2021 #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
ems week
Thanks to all the parents, RRGSD Staff, and community for your part in today's Senior Ride. What a fun day for the Class of 2021! #KidsAreOurCustomers #RRGSDCommunity
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
2021 Senior Ride
2021 Senior Ride
2021 Senior Ride
2021 Senior Ride
RRGSD will be streaming the following events this month on our YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYHTegFfrwBuo0UJPSkTEiQ
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRGSD Streaming
RRGSD Families: We received this message today from the Halifax County Health Dept. First doses of the Pfizer vaccine will be available to anyone ages 12 years and older by online registration on Tuesday, May 18, 2021 from 12:00 noon - 7:00 pm at Halifax Community College located at 100 College Drive Weldon, NC in Building 700. Please note this is a voluntary vaccination program and is not required to attend RRGSD. To schedule your child's Pfizer vaccine, please visit: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C4FAAA62EA1FEC43-0518th
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
covid vaccine
Today we're celebrating our school nurses as part of National School Nurse Day. They have worked tirelessly over the past year to keep our students and staff safe and healthy. We are so grateful for them and all they do! #SchoolNurseDay #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
School Nurse Day
The RRHS 100th Class and the 1st Class for the RR Early College High School. We're proud of you! Congratulations, Class of 2021. (Note: Even though masks are not required outside, students were asked to wear them because of their close proximity in an effort to prevent a COVID outbreak that could potentially interfere with upcoming commencement exercises.) #ClassOf2021 #RRHSturns100 #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
RRHS Class of 2021
Early College Class of 2021
It's School Lunch Hero Day! Today we celebrate the hard-working individuals who prepare healthy meals for our students every single day. Since the start of the pandemic, RRGSD School Nutrition staff has served 167,770 breakfast, 83,486 lunches, and 88,698 snacks. Be sure to thank your School Lunch hero! #SchoolLunchHeroDay #KidsAreOurCustomers
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
School Lunch Hero Day
Congratulations to our RRGSD Beginning Teacher of the Year, Ginger Duncan. Duncan teaches health sciences at RRHS. #KidsAreOurCustomers #BeginningTeacherofTheYear
almost 4 years ago, RRGSD Public Information Office
Beginning Teacher of the Year