January is School Board Recognition Month.
RRGSD is joining with other districts throughout the state to recognize the important contribution school board members make to their communities by supporting student achievement and designing policies for the good of students, their families, and our staff.
Educating students in the midst of a pandemic has certainly had its challenges. Our Board has worked diligently behind the scenes to make the educational experience the best that it can be in these unusual times. They truly represent our distrct motto which is: Together We Succeed.
“Our Board members spend countless hours working behind the scenes serving on committees and doing what they can to support our administrators and staff. As one of the area’s largest employers, they help foster a positive work environment,” said Julie Thompson, Interim Superintendent.
RRGSD has many board members who have served multiple terms including Mike Salanik who has served 24 years, Board Chair Jay Carlilse who has served 10 years, Vice Chair Valencia Davis who has served 11 years, and Dr. Mike Williams who is in his 13th year. Ed Liverman and Cathy Keeter are both in their second six-year terms. Henry Ford, Tammy Colston, and Carol Dean are in their first six-year terms.
“The longevity of our Board shows their commitment to improving student achievement and doing what is best for all of the students entrusted to us,” Thompson added.