Dr. Michael Williams was selected as chairman of the Roanoke Rapids Graded School District Board of Trustees at the June 27, 2023 meeting. Dr. Williams has served on the board since 2009 and was elected to his third 6-year term in 2021. Valencia Davis will continue to serve as vice chair.
A reception was held for outgoing board chair Jay Carlisle, who stated, “It has been an honor and a privilege to work with this board. I wish you all the best.”
The Board of Education will hold interviews for the open board position at a work session on July 11, 2023 at 6:00pm.
Also at the June meeting, Trustees recognized RRHS student Emily Campbell-Tyler for completing a year of service as a State Officer for SkillsUSA North Carolina. State officers are elected to serve and represent the entire membership of SkillsUSA North Carolina. RRHS SkillsUSA Advisor Lynn Moseley stated, "We are so proud of Emily and how she has represented RRGSD at the state level. I'm sure she'll be successful in her future endeavors."

Additionally, Manning Elementary was recognized for exceeding growth for the 2021-2022 school year while Chaloner Middle School and Roanoke Rapids Early College High School were recognized for meeting growth. The NC Department of Public Instruction sent a letter congratulating the district on these accomplishments.