Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS)
MTSS is a school improvement framework that uses data-driven problem-solving to maximize growth for ALL students. Roanoke Rapids Graded School District's tiered systems approach promotes high quality academic, behavioral, and social-emotional instruction implemented within differentiated core curriculums and addresses identified challenges with evidence based practices.
Purpose: To ensure college, career and community readiness for all P-12 students.
Goal: Total school improvement (school outcomes and student performance).
Focus: Whole Child, Every Student, Every Time.
RRGSD Belief: We believe that a strong differentiated core, universal screening, research-based interventions, data tracking, progress monitoring, and engaging stakeholders ensures equitable access to a sound basic education that effectively and efficiently improve student outcomes.
What MTSS is NOT:
A process that automatically results in Exceptional Children referral.
Students with disabilities are General Education students first and should have access to the full system of support available to all students.
A scripted program.
A one size fits all approach.
Tiered Support
MTSS addresses both academic and social-emotional/behavioral student needs.
Tier 1 (green) is universal instruction and support. All students receive differentiated core instruction. Approximately 80-85% of students usually do well with Tier 1 instruction and support.
Tier 2 (yellow) is targeted support and interventions. Approximately 10-15% of students may need targeted support which often occurs in small group settings and in addition to core instruction. If Tier 2 interventions are unsuccessful, students receive more intensive support.
Tier 3 (red) is intensive support and interventions for high risk students. Usually, Tier 3 support is one-on-one. Approximately 5% of students in a school may need intensive support at any given time. Students who do not respond to Tier 3 interventions may receive referral for specialized services.
Read about Child Find on our Exceptional Children page or at North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI).
It is important to note that the students move fluidly through tiers as determined by research-based data decision rules established/adopted by district and school MTSS Teams.
The Integrated Academic and Behavior Systems (IABS) Division at North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) supports the implementation and sustainability of MTSS. NCDPI describes six critical components of a multi-tiered system of supports. Learn more about the six critical components here.
Contact Krissy Martin, Director of MTSS and Exceptional Children, for more resources, support and information at 252-519-7131 or martink.co@rrgsd.org.