Stop Bullying

RRGSD Bullying Prevention

There's no room for bullying in Roanoke Rapids Graded Schools.

We want our school buildings to be a safe and supportive place for all students.

Bullying can include behaviors such as:

  • Physical violence and attacks

  • Extortion and theft

  • Taunts, name-calling and put-downs

  • Peer group exclusion

  • Threats and intimidation

  • Cyberbullying

Any student that believes he or she has been harassed or bullied should report it immediately to a teacher, counselor or school administrator. Any school employee made aware of bullying has been instructed to report it to the principal.

Bully Support

How you can help if your child is being bullied

Be supportive.

Listen, get the facts, and assess your child's feelings.

Let your child know that it's not his or her fault.

Praise your child for discussing the bullying.

Find out what your child feels he or she needs to feel safe.

Communicate with your school by contacting administration

Let them know the who, what, when and where.

Let school officials contact the other child's parents.

Talk regularly with your child and school to assess whether the bullying has stopped.

Encourage and support your child in making friends.

Bullying Policy

RRGSD School Board Policy

RRGSD policy prohibits harassment and bullying behavior at all levels. The Roanoke Rapids Graded School District Board of Trustees places a priority on providing every student and employee with a safe and orderly learning and working environment.

The principal or designee shall promptly and thoroughly investigate all complaints of harassment and bullying on our campuses.

Say Something