Section 1: Purpose
The purpose of the Roanoke Rapids High School Athletic Hall of Fame is to recognize, honor, and provide an enduring memorial for those persons whose outstanding contributions have enriched the athletic program and brought honor to the school. The recognition of past individuals or teams and their significant contributions to Roanoke Rapids High School Athletics will serve to provide models for future generations to emulate.
Section 2: Selection Committee
The Roanoke Rapids Athletic Hall of Fame Committee shall be composed of nine members as follows:
A. Seven initial members from the Roanoke Rapids Alumni Association shall be appointed by the Roanoke Rapids Graded School District Superintendent for a four-year term. Subsequent appointments of the seven members shall made by a consensus of the Roanoke Rapids High School Athletic Hall of Fame Committee.
B. One member appointed by the committee from the media.
C. Roanoke Rapids High School Athletic Director, as a non-voting member.
At their first meeting each year the Roanoke Rapids Graded District Superintendent shall convene the meeting and conduct the election of the Committee Chairman. The newly elected Chairman will then conduct the elections of the Vice Chairman, Treasurer, and Secretary.
Section 3: Categories of Inductees
Potential eligible inductees shall be nominated from one or a combination of the following categories.
A. Any Roanoke Rapids High School graduate who participated in a varsity sport sanctioned by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association.
B. Any Roanoke Rapids High School Varsity Head Coach with a minimum of three years as a head coach in a varsity sport(s) at Roanoke Rapids High School.
C. Any individual, not an athlete or coach, who has made significant contributions to the Roanoke Rapids High School Athletic Program.
D. Any Roanoke Rapids High School team that exhibited exemplary qualities and reached a high level of achievement.
Section 4: Eligibility Timetable
There will be a five year period after a person graduates before he/she can be nominated for the Hall of Fame. There will be a three year period following a coach’s last coaching assignment at Roanoke Rapids High School before he/she can be nominated for the Hall of Fame. However in
some extenuating circumstances, the normal waiting period may be waived by the Athletic Hall of Fame Committee. Such circumstances would include, but would not be limited to: severe illness of the nominee, special opportunities to enhance the status of the Athletic Hall of Fame, or other such instances such that the normal waiting period would be counterproductive to the purpose of the Hall. The waiting period for a team will be five years from the qualifying season until it is eligible for nomination.
Section 5: Nomination Process
Any person over the age of twenty-five may nominate any eligible athlete, coach, individual (non-athlete), or team for consideration. Nominations can be submitted on line, with forms found on the Roanoke Rapids High School website under Sports. Hard copy forms are available at the Roanoke Rapids High School Principal’s office, 800 Hamilton Street. Hard copy nomination forms should be submitted to the Roanoke Rapids Athletic Hall of Fame Committee at the same address. Each nominee will be placed on a list of candidates to be reviewed, considered, and maintained by the Athletic Hall of Fame Committee. All nominations must be submitted during the period beginning the first week of February and ending May 31 for consideration in that year’s class of inductees.
Section 6: List of Candidates
The list of candidates shall contain the names of all individuals and teams who have been nominated and who remain eligible for consideration as a nominee by the selection committee. A nominee shall remain eligible and on the List of Candidates at the sole discretion of the Athletic Hall of Fame Committee.
Section 7: Selection Process
Nominations shall be accepted for induction into the Athletic Hall of Fame each year during the period beginning the first week of February and ending May 31. The Committee shall meet beginning in June and continuing as necessary, to review, discuss, and select the members for that year’s class of inductees.
Section 8: Number of Annual Inductees
The maximum number of inductees from all categories shall be ten per year. This number is the maximum and should not be considered a mandatory or minimum number. For example, if the Athletic Hall of Fame Committee deems that only six are worthy of induction in any year then only those six should be elected.
Section 9: Induction of Individuals
Individuals, and teams elected for induction into the Hall of Fame by the selection committee shall be honored at an induction banquet, and a plaque recognizing inductees will be displayed in
an area designated by the Roanoke Rapids Athletic High School Hall of Fame Committee and approved by the Roanoke Rapids Graded School District Administration. The inductees will also be recognized at a regular season football game.
Section 10: Maintenance of Records
All records of the Athletic Hall of Fame will be maintained by the Roanoke Rapids High Athletic Director or other designee of the Roanoke Rapids High School Principal.
Section 11: Removal
All inductees into the Roanoke Rapids High School Athletic Hall of Fame should exhibit strong moral character, be a role model for current and future generations of athletes, and be a credit and source of pride for the community. The Athletic Hall of Fame Committee shall have the power to remove members who have been found to have committed egregious acts, exhibited behavior not in the spirit of the Hall of Fame, or done anything which would bring shame on the institution, its members, Roanoke Rapids High School, and the community.
To nominate an Athlete: Athlete Nomination Form
To nominate a Coach: Coach Nomination Form
To nominate Other: Other Nomination Form
To nominate a team: Team Nomination Form